
“iCivics is a non-profit organization dedicated to reinvigorating civic learning through interactive and engaging learning resources. Our educational resources empower teachers and prepare the next generation of students to become knowledgeable and engaged citizens.”


iCivicsThere’s been something going ’round. Have you noticed? And, no, it’s not the flu. No; it’s not the measles, either.

Students are beginning to openly complain about the education they received while in school; wishing they had been taught practical things like paying their bills and how to vote, as opposed to the Pythagorean Theory which it seems they have no use for.

Whether their teachers failed to instill this wisdom or the students failed to pay attention (which is just as likely), there is a growing need. Our students desire to not only learn facts, but be able to identify why these facts are important AND be able to incorporate them into their everyday lives. What good is teaching history, if our children fail to see the importance of the events? Is memorizing geometric shapes of benefit if our children cannot grasp the practical use of this knowledge?

One area most children fail to get a thorough education in is civics. Do our kids know what good citizenship is? Do we?! Are our children parroting the things we teach, as if a mantra, or do they actually understand the content of what is being spoken? Do they understand how to make wise life choices, know the original intent of the law, and vote according to objective moral imperatives (and not what tickles their fancy)?


A few months ago, a fellow homeschool mom pointed us towards iCivics and suggested we give it a try. I admit, I was a little skeptical at first. A website which can teach civics, but make it fun? I am happy to say I was blown away. In the first week my kids’ knowledge grew by leaps and bounds. They not only enjoyed the application, but were actively pursuing play time.

Here are just a few things we’ve covered so far and the list is growing:

  • We Learned What Civics Is
  • We Learned Debate
  • We Learned How to Keep a Budget
  • We Learned Terminology & Vocabulary
  • We Learned How to Run a Law Firm
  • We Learned How a Court Room Works
  • We Learned the Constitution
  • We Learned the Differences Between Being a Democrat and a Republican
  • We Learned Which States Lean Toward Each Political Party
  • We Learned Government Branches
  • We Learned How to Hold A Political Office
  • We Learned What it Takes to Keep a County Running
  • We Learned How to Run for President and What it Takes to Be President
  • We Learned the Media is a Pain in the Neck

I could hear the grumbling of little people as they sat staring at their computer screens. “Really; jeez, people!” Curious, and wanting to make sure this wasn’t a character issue, I walked over to discover what was going on. It seemed one of my daughters was running for President and the media was having a field day over her platform. (laughing) Quickly, my daughters grew to dislike the media. It has taught them to be more careful in how statements are worded however, and to thicken their skin.

Seriously though, iCivics is an incredible program. Founded and led by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, this resource is amazing. I am so glad my friend steered us in this direction. Not only are my kiddos increasing in wisdom, they are having fun while doing it.

If you haven’t already signed up for a free login, head over there today and check it out for yourself. You won’t regret it!

“Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed” – Titus 3:1

🔔Time to Chime In: Challenge your children by asking them why they believe what they believe; then, make them defend it. Do you think your kids are up for it? Are mine? (Guess I’d better go make sure!)

16 thoughts on “iCivics

    • Neither, really. This is self-directed, you are free to move at your own pace. There is a large variety of projects for them to choose from. Some are quickly worked through, others take longer. It’s really up to you how long you spend on the program each day.

      Our family has a minimum of one hour per week to be done. However, we find the kids well exceed this; they enjoy the site a lot.

      Hope this helps!


  1. I’ve been browsing around their site — lots of good information! I had trouble with some of the links under Teach (where the lesson plans should be) , but that might be because I’m on a mobile device. Thanks for sharing this site!

    Liked by 1 person

    • FYI… some of their pages aren’t fully operational as of yet. However, if you go to the ‘Teach’ page and scroll down to the bottom of the page. The links at the bottom, such as ‘Foundations of Government’ and ‘Road to the Construction’, those should work just fine. Give them a try and let me know how it works out!


    • Oh, my friend, I completely agree!

      I don’t think anyone would make the argument that the Pythagoras Theorem, or anything else, should NOT be taught. Rather, we ought to ensure our students understand WHY they are being taught and given practical application of the knowledge.

      It isn’t a matter of either/or, in regards to life skills or arithmetic, but BOTH.

      Good point; thank you for bringing this up! 🙂


  2. What a wonderful program, I have said for years as have many experts that our education system fails to prepare people adequately for life, emotionally and practically, it is so overdue. Is it no wonder counselling industry is the fastest growing in the western world. Thanks for sharing love your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This looks awesome but I wonder if this

    can used for one child in a setting like private homeschool since originally this was created for public school. Does anyone know?

    Liked by 1 person

    • We use this on a daily basis in our homeschooling. Our children have never had an issue with using the site, and have learned tremendously.

      The site itself is open to anyone, not specifically public schools. Thus, available and valuable to anyone; even in a private setting.


  4. Pingback: 5 Practical Steps to Teaching Civics | A Homeschool Mom

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