Move Over, Paper Planes!

MoveOver_PaperPlanesOn occasion, I struggle with finding just the right hands-on application for particular studies. When our children were little, I would pass out coloring pages. We’ve also used Legos and Minecraft to assist our lessons. And, while videos are fun, they aren’t exactly hands-on. However, I recently came across a paper crafting website which is becoming a fun addition to our lessons.

At Paper Toys, we found an array of paper structures which can add hands-on application to our homeschool lessons. Studying cars? Create one out of paper! Learning about the Taj Mahal? Make one! Paper Toys is easy, quick, and free.

Here are just a few of the many paper toys our family can print and enjoy:

Alfa Romeo
Big Ben
An Apache Helicopter
Brooklyn Bridge
Boggs’ Hill
Chrysler Building
Dubai Clock Tower
Eiffel Tower
Empire State Building
Formula One Race Car
Frank Lloyd Wright House
The Human Body
and many more!

With new ‘toys’ being added continually, there is a multitude of activities to keep us occupied, and our learning hands-on fun.

I probably should note, this website is a work in progress. As all ‘toys’ are free, their list is not endless and is being updated regularly. But, if there is something we’d like to see, which isn’t already listed, we are free to contact the site organizer and make suggestions. It’s also a good idea to check back often for new toys and fun.

Thus far, we’ve enjoyed exploring Paper Toys. They have been a great addition to history lessons, giving the kids an opportunity to recreate a few of the famous structures mentioned in their lessons. We can’t wait to see what Paper Toys creates next.

🔔Time to Chime In: When was the last time you made paper planes?

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7 thoughts on “Move Over, Paper Planes!

  1. Thanks for the tip! My boys are cutting out the White House right now.

    My younger son is particularly into origami and paper airplanes, so in response to your question above: we bought him a desk calendar for 2016 that has a paper airplane to fold for each day of the year. My son had missed a few days, so this weekend he spread them all out on the kitchen table and we all made airplanes. 🙂

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