When Did I Become the Mother of a College Student?

Mother_ofa_College_Student?Becoming a parent was an adventurous adjustment. We quickly followed the first with several children. It was surreal to start teaching elementary school. When not a single child was in preschool, I was overcome with the notion I would never again have babies. Now two are in high school, one in junior high, and another about to follow. The years have passed much too quickly, and I find myself once again in awe of where we are. When in the world did I become the mother of a college student?

Okay so she’s not entirely in college yet, but you understand what I mean. How did the years pass so quickly I have a daughter taking college courses and looking to start a job? It seems just yesterday we were playing at the park, studying baby animals, and practicing our Bible verses. Now we’re hunting for scholarships, balancing schedules, attending Bible conferences, and learning to drive a car.

I’m not going to lie. The closer we come to end of this portion of our adventure, I am prone to become overwhelmed wondering if I’ve done enough. Been enough. At times I cry out to the Lord unsure I’ve got what it takes. There are days this feels overwhelming. But it’s just that. Feels. In truth the Lord has this covered. As we follow His plan, He has given everything we need to make this happen. What He began He will be faithful to see through.

Aside from my brief, personal reminisce I am sure you’re wondering what point I have yet to make. Just this. The years are short. Oh, the days feel long at times. Moments feel an eternity at given points. But, overall, these years of parenting are vapor. Before we know it our kids will be adults.

Even as I watch my children outgrow their skids and beg for new jeans, I want to embrace each second I have left. I don’t want to spend each day so focused on the future I am unable to appreciate the present. So we are purposeful in our time. We look for ways to stay connected amidst the busyness of life. We talk, create memories, laugh at one another, continue to learn about the others in our family, and never assume we have tomorrow.

Some might laugh. After all we still have several years to go, don’t we? And yet the last sixteen flew by so quickly and we don’t have another sixteen to go. We have less than half that. This is no laughing matter. The appreciation of now is vital. The building of today key in maintaining a closeness with my children tomorrow.

Even as I type the Lord uses His words to calm my heart and fill me with His peace. When did I become old enough to have teens? I have no idea. What I do know is that it’s been a lovely – sometimes scary – adventure. I can only imagine what tomorrow brings. Until then I will find the joy in today.

“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
~ Matthew 6:34

Your Turn!: If you could go back to the beginning of your parenting journey, what advice would you have for yourself?

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2 thoughts on “When Did I Become the Mother of a College Student?

  1. Homeschool for the win. 🙂 Taking the time to reflect is summed up in three words: “cherish the moment”.

    On older Christian lady, who befriended me and helped me along the way, once said to me in her deep Scottish accent, the only wedding advice I will give you is this, “always remember the word cherish. Cherish every moment, make time to do so, take the time and cherish every second.”

    My friend was a widow, who also had a large family. Out of all the pre-marital counselling we participated in, her words are what I remember the most.

    Liked by 2 people

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