Curriculum 101: Bible

Curriculum101One of the biggest struggles homeschooling families battle is which curriculum is best for their children. We become overwhelmed by the amount of curriculum available, struggle to find the right fit for each of our children, proceed to doubt each choice made for at least the first several weeks, and continue to search for new ways of teaching well after we’ve already begun our year.

To this end, we thought we’d spend the month of September launching discussions on all things curriculum.


I cannot begin to stress the importance of Bible time during our learning day. In fact, if you don’t start your learning day in God’s Word, may I be the first to recommend it. Acknowledging the Lord’s dominion over our time, our children’s education, and our homes is key.

That said, how do we go about encouraging our children to sit at the feet of God? Is there a particular book of the Bible we should start with? Must we read from the Bible itself? How do we keep our children engaged and make sure they understand what they are hearing?

Start Young – As early as possible, make a practice of sitting down daily with your babies and reading devotions with them. It could be as short as five minutes or as long as an hour. No matter the amount of time, make a point of opening the Bible and sharing with your children.

Include Worship – Do not dismiss the power of worship. Whether you start a CD, listen to the radio, or play your own instruments, take time to praise the Lord with your voices. Worship sets a gracious mood for your home.

Read From the Word – While we’ve used devotionals over the years, I would always recommend actually opening your Bibles and reading straight from the Word. Look up the Bible verse mentioned and show your children how to find the verse. Read it straight from the Bible itself. Start this practice young and help your children memorize where verses can be found.

Make It Hands-On – As often as possible, try to make Bible time hands-on. If there is an activity which will better help your children understand the story being told or concept being taught, go for it.

Oldies, But Goodies – It’s time to build on that earlier foundation. While younger children are content with Bible stories, older children ought to be ready for a little more ‘meat’. Encourage them to complete a Bible study or work through lessons in apologetics.

Memorization is Key – With each passing session, plan for your children to memorize Scripture. Start with simple, easy passages and build from there.

Start Here – If you’re not sure how to get started, may I humbly suggest reading through the gospel of John. If you’re looking for a great devotional, try your local Christian bookstore and ask to see their children’s selections. There are many to choose from!

Include Prayer Time – Don’t shy away from prayer time in your learning day. Allow your children to pray over their learning and your home. Encourage them to speak to God throughout their day and lay their requests before Him. Teach them how to pray. (Not using fancy words, but speaking from the heart. You could also teach them ACTS: acknowledge Him; confession of sin; thankfulness for all He provides; and supplication.) It doesn’t matter if they stumble over their words, pray for two seconds, or pray the same prayer each day; allow your children be a part of this important time and be in communication with God.

Starting our day off on the right foot should always include spending time in God’s Word and in prayer. We pray you make this a vital part of your day, choosing to put God before everything else. May He be given all glory, honor, and praise!

🔔Time to Chime In: How many times have you read the entire Bible?

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11 thoughts on “Curriculum 101: Bible

  1. Nice post!

    Something I’ve discovered over the years is the impact that different kinds of bible study can have. For example, listening to an audio bible allows me to hear many chapters in one sitting, which gives me a great look at the “big picture” (compared to when I am reading on my own and get distracted looking up cross reference verses). Also, reading the bible to yourself (or others) out loud can give you a new perspective on certain verses.

    At the moment, my daughter and I are enjoying a free online study that paces you through the bible in three school years. We don’t do all the crafts and activities suggested, and we only bought one of the extra books she suggested, but it’s still a great resource for us. If you want to take a peek at it, here’s the link:

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice post. I make sure, if nothing else, we read at least one reading from my son’s bible reader each day. We do our morning prayers and I am incorporating a few things each week on our Orthodox Christian faith through extra books we have, music, and right now he is learning to memorize the creed. He’s actually doing pretty well with it!

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  3. We started by reading through the Psalms. Last year, we moved through devotionals from (I’d be more inclined to say with) Corrie Ten Boom, Bethany Hamilton, Duck Dynasty and some specific seasonal works from Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonheoffer.

    This year, I steered towards a more detailed lesson. My aim was to read through Luke’s historical recount in Luke and Acts, which we’ve now just come the last chapter of. Journeying along with these two books has been far superior to my original approach, which seemed superficial and flaky.

    In order to really make the historical journey the adventure that it is, I would recommend prep by using the NIV Exhaustive Concordance (which includes Strong’s referencing and a solid index of Hebrew and Greek definitions), also use a good commentary, such as Baker Exegetical Commentaries or The NICNT series. They are easy enough to read, reliable, detailed and interesting. I’ve just finished using Darrell Bock’s, ACTS, in that series and have even been able to give the kids direct quotes, where the language was simple and said it better than I could.

    The lesson prep is as simple as reading the commentary, highlighting it and making notes, jotting down thoughts etc. and then paralleling that with literature, TV show themes, some contemporary issues/lessons, that sort of thing – essentially creating a bridge between then and now. (in the end, it may look more like a mini interactive sermon, but that’d be a good thing – cause those who journey together, often end up also learning together).

    Another often untouched aspect of this is the very close relationship between Christian worship and art. I encourage copy work, but as much as possible, I’m keen to see what they understand. Allowing the students to express how Grace has encountered and grasped them through drawing whatever comes to mind after reading the text. Quite often they will add quotes they have chosen or found interesting.

    [Anyway, that’s my two cents :)]

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    • Thank you for sharing, Rod.

      I would agree. While we’ve done devotions in the past, I much prefer reading directly from the Scriptures and breaking them down verse by verse. I truly feel our children have a better understanding of the context and message being set forth.

      I appreciate your mention of using both concordances and commentaries when prepping for Bible time. I know in my own studies this is preferred and much benefited from.

      Thank you for taking the time to outline this for us and share your methods of teaching Bible. I know this will bless many, as it has blessed me in reading it.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m having my daughter do a study on the proverbs 31 woman from Queens Homeschooling. We’re also doing character studies from the Bible and reading a chapter from Proverbs each day. That takes up our first hour of school :-). We’re also learning a hymn a month. I am going to start looking up the scriptures in my younger daughter’s devotions, that’s a fantastic idea!

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