Chapter Two is Missing!

Blog Tour and Inspiring Learning Ideas

I love me a good picture book. Okay; let’s be honest. We love pretty much all books. But a great picture book? One which pulls you in visually and offers a ton of learning opportunities… You know we’ve just got to share it!

This past week our family was given an opportunity to preview Chapter Two is Missing written by Josh Lieb and illustrated by Kevin Cornell, and we can’t say enough about it’s goodness. Once we finally stopped staring at the charming illustrations and murmuring over the lovely hardback book, the learning potential of this read began to take shape. Friends, this clever read is true learning inspiration.

Chapter Two is Missing is a hilarious picture book mystery starring a hopelessly lost narrator, an unqualified detective, and a very sneaky janitor, who are all surprised to discover that second chapter of the very book of which they are a part is–gasp–missing!”

Penguin Random House

A great picture book has the ability to offer a multitude of learning possibilities, and Chapter Two is Missing certainly hits the mark. Thinking along the lines of Five In A Row, there are a wide variety of activities from which we could easily create a unit study.

Art & Illustration

Chapter Two is Missing is a picture book. Why not start our learning adventure with an exploration of art and illustration? Readers will quickly note the book’s illustrations use very little color. Can they create a picture book with only a few colors? Which colors would they use, and does the choice in color convey a mood or feeling which helps tell the story? We might also take a moment to explore negative space and clever page layout.

Grammer & Spelling

Chapter Two… does a clever job of exploring the importance of grammar and punctuation. Was reading certain portions of the book a challenge for our students? What did they think of these sections? This is a fun opportunity to show our learners the importance of these areas of study.

Science & History

In Chapter Two…, Milo seeks helps from Detective McGarrigan in discovering the whereabouts of the missing chapter, and there is so much potential here. We refuse to give away details of the story, but we can tell you there are many adventures to be explored. The history of detectives would be a great place to start. How long has this been a career option, and what does it take to be a detective?
Finger print activities would be a fantastic science concept to cover, along with the possibility of exploring mirrors, reflections, and the anatomy of eyes. (Sorry, you’ll have to read the story to find out why!)


Near the end of our read, Milo makes an observation, “Go look… If a giant blue diamond isn’t there, you’ll know that Milo succeeded…” Is his reasoning valid, or is there something wrong with his logic? Can you identify his fallacy? We could easily use this as a springboard for launching a conversation on everyday fallacies and how we can learn to spot them.


Everything has a place and a purpose. Some things need to be cleaned up, while others serve a purpose in remaining available. Milo learns this first hand, and so can our kids. Is there such a thing as being too much of a minimalist and what areas of our home could possibly be better organized?

Learning Fun

Aside from these areas of more formal study, Chapter Two is Missing offers a ton of fun learning adventures. Inside the book readers will find a phone number for Detective McGarrigan. Trust us when we say you’ll want to give the number a call. It’s hilarious! What type of message would our children leave on their own machines, if they had the ability? This might be a perfect time to write down their thoughts and even test it out for a day to hear people’s reactions. There is also an email address for the detective. What happens when they email her and/or Tweet her?

Honestly, we could go on. But I think you get the picture. – No pun intended. – Chapter Two is Missing is a fantastic book, and one which has the potential to launch a learning adventure you won’t want to miss. We would highly recommend this book for all beginning readers, young learners, and anyone who just loves a great picture book. It’s a gem!

If you’d like to learn more about Chapter Two is Missing, please visit them at the Penguin Random House website!
To read additional reviews and explore the potential of this read, please visit the blog tour:

Here There Be Dragons – Inspired by the Book
The Literacy Junky – Review + Creative Instagram Picture
Geo Librarian – Review
What’s a Kid To Read – Review + Activity

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Turn a Rough Morning Into A Great Day!

You’d love to wake to the sound of little birdies chirping and happy faces embracing a beautiful day, followed by a lovely session of reading and a day of fun learning. Instead… Well, let’s just say you didn’t.

Not every homeschool day is going to start off on a sing-song note. For whatever reason – lack of sleep, overstimulation, stressful life circumstances, or more – your day has not only not started off on the right track, it has completely flown off the tracks and is lying in a heap of rubble.
You could lament your situation, giving it up for dead. Or, you could take a deep breath and relaunch.

Start with Prayer – As always, pray! Ask the Lord to prevent harmful emotions from coming to the surface, ruining your opportunity to minister to the kids. Ask for patience, kindness, and wisdom.

Go Back to Bed – Being homeschoolers, you have this freedom; embrace it! Sometimes the kids just need a little more sleep. Sometimes you need a little more sleep. If the day calls for it, consider taking naps or sending everyone back to bed for much-needed rest.

Try, Try Again – Don’t be afraid to restart your morning after taking a needed break. Give it the ‘ol college try!

This Calls For Something New – Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.” If, day after day, you are having trouble getting the morning off to a good start, it might be time to try a different approach. Try a new routine, something different for breakfast, or a change in curriculum. Thus we need to…

Reassess – What’s working, what isn’t? Just because you started with this routine doesn’t mean you have to stick with it. Don’t be afraid to wipe the slate clean and completely start over. Continue to pray over your day, asking the Lord to give you wisdom in how to proceed. Allow Him to direct your learning and your routine.

Just Keep Swimming – Let’s face it, some days are just going to be hard. That doesn’t mean you have to give up or give in. Sometimes you need to keep pushing through so your children learn diligence, long-suffering, patience, and dedication. Sometimes your children just need to learn your will is stronger than theirs and they will get through this no matter how long it takes.

During this past year, the Lord has been teaching much wisdom in this area. So often I tend to think a hard start equals a bad day. The Lord is slowly teaching me this is not so.Through prayer, dedication, and a flexible routine we are able to turn our day around and see the beauty hidden beneath the chaos.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

We’d love to know… When you’re having a rough morning, what helps turn it around?

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The Fine Art of Independence

When my kids were really little, they required more hands-on assistance. I would stand at their side while they used scissors. I anxiously held out my arms as they tried the monkey bars or learned to ride a bike. As they’ve gotten older, I’ve come to learn my kids need a chance to be independent. Space to make mistakes, room to grow, and the ability to see for themselves they really can do this.

I am an organizational freak. I organize everything from my sock drawer, to the knives in the kitchen, to the cleaning supplies in the garage. Everything has a spot, a plan, and a purpose. Thus, allowing my children freedom of such areas can often kill my nerves. What if they don’t put things back properly? What if they bungle the whole lot and it takes me ages to put it back together again?

I also tend to be a worrier. Can you tell? What if my kids get skinned knees; scraped up elbows; cut themselves; or worse? I obviously need be right by their side to ensure they aren’t going to kill themselves or burn down our house in the process of their experimentation.

How are these things at all related? If I am not willing to set aside my worry and my desire to have everything just so, my children will never learn to do things for themselves. In order for our children to learn independence, I must relinquish some control. I must be willing for things to become messy so my children will learn to clean and organize better. I must be willing for them to have the occasional bump or bruise so they can learn to ride that skateboard.
One of the hardest challenges of parenting is understanding when it’s okay to let go and when you still need to hold on. My children must learn to do things for themselves, by themselves, without mommy standing over their shoulder. And, they want to. It isn’t they which are holding back, but I!

It starts with baby steps, giving them smaller projects. When they prove faithful in the little, we give them more. At some point, they are able to clean without my having to check their work. I can depend on them to organize as well as I do. Sometimes even better. Through trial and error, our children cook without my worrying about them being burned or cutting themselves needlessly. They are able to work on artistic endeavors without ruining the flooring or leaving messes for me to clean up.

In order for them to be ready for adulthood, their responsibilities and their independence must increase and my hand-holding must decrease. Does this mean we are never around? Of course not! We will always be here for our children. But, instead of doing things for them, we offer guidance and counsel. We wait for them to seek out wisdom, instead of interjecting at the earliest possible moment. We grow out of our initial jobs and gain new ones.

Am I there yet? Truthfully, no. I still hover, peeking around corners so my kids don’t see me, waiting to rush in and save them from disaster. But I am getting better. I am learning to let them try new things, gain new experiences, and branch out. I am also learning God has this under control. He loves my children more than I ever could; He will protect them, provide for them, and help them. My job is temporary, His is forever.

“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.”
Isaiah 54:13

We’d love to know… What is one thing your child has done, on their own, which at first caused fear, but brought about independence and growth?

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In This Alone

“This is what the Lord says: ‘Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,’ declares the Lord.”

Jeremiah 9:23-24

I admit, there are times when my vision becomes skewed. It is in these moments, the Lord must remind me it is in Him alone I am satisfied.

How often do we start idolizing the things around us? Our spouses, our children, and our family can become the focus of our lives. Our jobs, our homes, and our financial status can start to define us.
What about our homeschooling? Do we boast in our ability to homeschool or to homeschool well? Has homeschooling itself become the very center of our lives, instead of the values upon which homeschooling was built? Has progress, for the sake of progress, become our goal?

May we not make an idol out of homeschooling itself. May we focus less on the act, the daily progression of lessons. Instead, let us rejoice in our children’s ability to draw closer to the Lord. May our homeschooling be a means of helping our children understand Christ better, and may we boast in this alone. That our children walk with God.

Please share with us… Take a moment to brag about what the Lord has been doing in your homeschooling. How is He working in your lives?

Want to stay connected & up to date with A Homeschool Mom? Don’t forget to follow on FacebookInstagram, & Pinterest!

Waiting for ‘Real’ Ministry to Begin

Do you ever feel as if you’re not moving forward in ministry? You desire to serve the Lord, but where would you find the time? There’s learning which needs to be done, a house which needs to be cleaned, meals which need fixing, and a world of responsibility sitting at your feet the moment you open your eyes each morning.

The ministry which surrounds us daily might not be glamorous; no one outside our immediate family may ever know our name or see the impact we make on the world around us. This does not make our ministry less real. The roles we are currently playing are vital and as real as it gets.

The Ministry of Marriage – The Lord is constantly reminding me that marriage is more than a relationship, it is a ministry. We are connected, but it is a bond which requires work and a call to serve the Lord together. Done right, our marriage will point people to God and His saving grace.

The Ministry of Parenting – We have a unique call to train and disciple the next generation of adults. Positively a full-time role in ministry. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.

The Ministry of Education – As we teach our littles, we have the unique ability to reach their hearts, souls, and minds for Christ. Every lesson builds and strengthens, helping our children increase for God’s glory.

The Ministry of Friendship –We thank God for the few people He has brought into our lives who minister to us in this capacity. That girlfriend who just stops by to say hello? You just made our day. The gentleman who calls to encourage my husband and ask how His Bible study is going? Love that! Where would we be without awesome friends who take time just to ask how we’re doing, and occasionally stop in for a visit.

The Ministry of Edification – We might not have physically met, but our goal here at A Homeschool Mom is to edify everyone who reads these pages. While we’re perusing your thoughts, questions, and helpful tips, we’re often edified. Together, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we use this community to edify one another, encouraging closer relationships with Christ.

The World of Outside Ministry – As our children have gotten older, our ability to serve in other areas has become available. In the right context, time and place, this too is important. I want to example a well-balanced ministry for my children to see. Not a mom who is so busy she can’t take of her family and not a mom who never serves. Balance. This too ministers, trains, and educates my kids.
So we openly discuss church and community opportunities as they become available. Together we pray, list the pros and cons, and finally come to an agreement on managing our time and resources. Sometimes the ministry opportunity is only for one member of the family (e.g. A daughter helping other teens sew pillow cases for missionaries.) and other times we serve as a family. Always, the ministry opportunity is led by the Lord and intended for His glory.

Whenever I start feeling as if I’m not doing enough to serve the Lord, I remember a line from Francesca Battistelli’s song, “He Knows My Name“. It’s not important that my name be in lights. I am not living for applause. The God of the universe knows my name and loves me; just as I am, just where I am. He has me here for a reason, and He’s asking me to be faithful with what He’s given.

‘Real’ ministry is here and now. It’s not ten years down the road, it’s not ten minutes down the road. It’s right where I am. The real question is, what will I do with the ministry He’s given?

“But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.”

~ Acts 20:24

Your Turn!: Show of hands… Have you read The Ministry of Motherhood?

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The Right Fit: Choosing the “Perfect” Curriculum

I wish I could be one of those parents who is blessed in picking the perfect curriculum right from the get-go and using it all through their children’s learning. Those people do exist, right? While we’ve been pretty lucky and only had a few changes over the years, it still irks me to know I’ve wasted a precious dollars.

How does one pick the right curriculum? Does such a thing even exist? If it works for one student, does it have to work for all our learners, and does it last for their entire learning experience? All great questions! I’m not an expert, but here’s what I’ve learned:

When Not to Buy – Knowing when to buy is good, knowing when not to buy is just as important. Don’t buy on impulse, out of stress or because someone else says you ‘have to’ have it. Learn what works best for your kids, pray, and buy when you’re ready.

Is it For Them or You? – Sometimes we have a tendency to pick curriculum which gets us excited, but we don’t stop to think if it fits our kids’ needs. We need to look at this curriculum from their perspective and determine if it’s the right fit.

All or Nothing – Are we buying one type of curriculum and then forcing all our children to learn the same way? If we can, we try to meet each child where they are. We’ve been blessed that most of our curriculum works for everyone, but there have been times when I’ve needed to adjust to fit a particular need. This is just one of the joys of homeschooling.

Can it Wait? – Being a planner, I like buying things in advance. One mistake I’ve made is in buying items way too early and then realizing I didn’t need them after all. While I’m all for a good deal and planning ahead, I’ve learned to bookmark or ‘pin’ items I might want, instead of buying immediately. As time progresses, I will come back to those and reevaluate as needed.

Pray Always! – As always, pray about this issue. When the Lord is at the center of your life, you can trust He will be faithful to direct you to the curriculum that best fits your family’s needs. Be open to what He is going to do. You’d be surprised at how often He will take you down a path you would never have dared on your own!

Be In Agreement – I don’t recommend tackling this obstacle all by yourself. Make sure your spouse is included in curriculum and course choices. Sometimes we stress over areas our other halves could work through in moments. We were created to work together, so plan a date night and hash it out. Figure out what you both are looking for and make it happen.

Bend a Little – So, you prayed over the curriculum, talked to your spouse, bought it, and somehow it just isn’t quite working out. That’s alright! Sometimes we have great materials at our disposal, we just need to tweak them a little. Other times, the particular curriculum is only good for a period of our learning experience before we move on.

The Curriculum Graveyard – This one is the hardest for me, I admit. However, sometimes curriculum just isn’t the right fit. What happened? Who knows! It might be that I’m not using it properly. It might be I wasn’t following God’s instructions and was using my own wisdom in making the choice. It might be God was using this experience to teach us a lesson which had nothing to do with the curriculum what-so-ever; the curriculum was merely a catalyst for a greater lesson. No matter; if it isn’t working, drop it! Donate it, give it to a friend, set it on fire (just kidding), or whatever else you can think of. Life is too short to waste on lessons which aren’t being learned. Don’t be afraid to admit what you’ve got isn’t doing the trick, then readjust.

I don’t know that we’ve ever come across the ‘perfect’ fit, when it comes to curriculum.  Honestly, I don’t know if one exists. What I have learned is to pray about the choices we make, be one with my spouse on this matter, and to be flexible with whatever we finally go with. No matter which curriculum we’ve chosen, we’ve always learned valuable lessons through using it. Just not always in the way it was intended.

We’d love to know… What is the shortest amount of time you’ve spent using a particular curriculum? What made you relegate it to the curriculum graveyard?

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A Kids’ Eye View of Homeschooling


We often hear adults sharing their views on homeschooling. Most of us weigh in with our thoughts, opinions, and experiences. But how often do our children get a voice? When are they allowed to share their thoughts on the whole homeschooling thing? Well… how about now!

My four kiddos: They’re silly, creative, adventurous, mostly obedient, and the sweetest bunch you’ll meet. When they aren’t talking your ears off, they’re usually sitting in a corner with their noses in a book or creating something which baffles this mama’s mind. Today, they’re sharing their thoughts on all things homeschool. (Take it with a grain of salt!)

🍃What We Like About Homeschooling🍃

  • We don’t have to go to ‘school’.
  • We don’t have to wake up early.
  • We don’t have to have vaccines.
  • No homework.
  • We can skip stuff.
  • No school uniform.
  • We don’t have to worry about getting in trouble with the teacher.
  • We don’t have eight hours of work.
  • We don’t have to wait for our classmates to catch up; we go as fast as we are able.
  • We work at our own pace.
  • We’re with our family.
  • We know everyone in class.
  • The teacher helps you more.
  • We can get up whenever we want need to.
  • Lots of field trips.

🍃What We DON’T Like About Homeschooling🍃

  • Um… (crickets)
  • You have to actually learn.
  • When you don’t want to do school, your parents tell you it builds character.
  • You still have to do chores.

🍃What We’d Do Differently🍃

  • Rewards for doing perfect work.
  • No school at all. (As if!!!)
  • Doing school work in a different order than I do now (of my own choosing).
  • More hands-on activities.
  • More field trips.
  • Learn more elective activities, which aren’t necessarily academic but are definitely useful (e.g. archery, horseback riding, swimming).

🍃What We’d Tell Families Who Are Considering Homeschooling🍃

  • We learn more than we would have in public school.
  • We have more flexibility.
  • We pick our own routines.
  • We have more field trips.
  • We spend more time focusing on the academic studies we are interested in.
  • We can school huddled under mounds of blankets.
  • We can homeschool with our dog.
  • We grow closer as a family.
  • We read books all day long (even between subjects).
  • We can catch up on subjects we’re behind in much faster.
  • Our parents know exactly what we’re learning.

While I don’t believe in giving kids everything they want – The multiple requests for more candy are definitely falling on deaf ears – I do believe in allowing our children to voice their opinions. Some of their suggestions were helpful; we could definitely be enjoying a few more field trips, and hands-on activities are always fun. Others; well… let’s just say they will be shelved for now.
Either way, it’s fun hearing what the kiddos think about our adventures in homeschooling.

We’d love to hear what your kids have to say on this topic!… Go ask your kiddos these same questions!

Want to stay connected & up to date with A Homeschool Mom? Don’t forget to follow on FacebookInstagram, & Pinterest!

When Our Big Summer Plans Amount to Something Small


My children long to know what we’re doing each summer. A grand adventure seems to be called for. All of their friends will be announcing their fantastic escapades: vacations to exotic locations, camping with other friends, road trips, and more. These all sound wonderful. But with a work schedule which doesn’t let up and a budget which cannot afford such luxuries, our big summer plans usually amount to something small.

Truthfully, this breaks my heart. I’d be lying if I said I don’t want these things for our children or myself. Like most parents, I would love to give these experiences to my family and explore the world with them. Unfortunately, that’s just not where we’re at. So what can I do? Begin with prayer, and ask the Lord to lead.

Start with a Heart of Gratitude Unfulfilled desire can easily lead to a heart filled with bitterness and anger over what we don’t have. Instead, we need to choose look around us and be thankful for all we’ve been given. We have a lovely home, good food to eat, too much clothing, and plenty to keep us occupied right where we are. It’s good to have goals, but we must remember to be content with what God has given us already and be thankful for all He continually provides.

Plan for the Future If there is something important we wish to aim for, then we should also be willing to do the work needed to make it happen. Vacation trips don’t just fall in our laps. So, we’re researching, planning, and minimizing to make these happen in the future. Some of our goals are more easily attained while others might take years to accomplish. With a visual guide and plan in place, everyone becomes excited to see progress and help with cutting back.

Turn Off and Tune Out the Buzz If Instagram squares start causing discontent and Facebook posts bring us down, it might be time to remove ourselves from the action for a little while. These feeds can be lovely sources for ideas, but when inspiration becomes frustration we need a break.

Make the Most of Right Now Traveling to Europe isn’t in the cards right now, but there is plenty of opportunity for adventure all around us. Even when budgets are on a budget, there are still many ways to take advantage of the season. With a little creativity, planning, and a Google search or two, we could be having all kinds of fun.

Remember, Sometimes Small Amounts to Something Big While we’d all love grand adventures, it also helps to remember the little things in life which add up to big memories. Roasting marshmallows over a fire pit we built ourselves, sleeping in tents in the living room, homemade ice cream, free concerts, library events, kitten cuddles, and so much more. These aren’t far away adventures, to be sure, but grand none-the-less. I can’t provide exotic locations every summer – okay, not even every third summer – but I can take each day and make it memorable in its own way.

The desire for adventure remains. Through prayer, planning, and the Lord’s leading, we’re making it happen. In the mean time, I’ll continue to keep my eyes focused on what the Lord has already provided and be grateful for each new day. Because the truth is, a grand adventure awaits the moment I open my eyes. I just have to be open to the possibilities and live each day with thankfulness.

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
~ I Thessalonians 5:18

We’d love to know… If you could plan one grand adventure before the summer ends, what would it be?

Want to stay connected & up to date with A Homeschool Mom? Don’t forget to follow on FacebookInstagramTwitter& Pinterest!

If You Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail; A Series Review!


I am huge on planning. Without a “vision” for my day, or my year for that matter, I can quickly lose balance of what needs to be accomplished and get overwhelmed by the surmounting tasks of the day-to-day. In order to help me make sense of life and to prioritize the multitude of tasks that fill my routine, I decided to write down a “master plan”. A guideline to help me better manage both my household and my homeschooling.

Let me be the first to remind you, this is not a hard-line which cannot be crossed. Rather, consider these as they were intended, guidelines. They are a starting point which can be changed and manipulated at any given point.

Prioritizing Life
Managing the Budget
Adding Events
Planning the Homeschool Year
Putting it all Together

What works for me, might not work for you. Please feel free to read with discretion; pray about what you are hearing and then decide for yourself where the Lord is leading.

May these ideas help you as much as they help me!

I Can’t Homeschool: A Series Review!


Homeschooling can seem like a daunting journey, especially for those who are new to the concept. We are unsure of where to start, overwhelmed by the notion of taking on our children’s education, and feel as if we are not enough.

Join us in this series of encouragement, as we share reasons families think they can’t homeschool and offer support for those unsure of the adventure called homeschooling.


I Lack Self Control
They Won’t Listen
I’m Uneducated

I’m Unorganized
I Need ME Time
I Have Too Many KidsMy Kids Are Too Big
My Family Will DisapproveI’m A Dad!My Kids Have Special Needs

God didn’t call us to homeschool because we had it all together or because we were such incredible people. He called us to homeschooling because He wanted this for our children and He asked us to be faithful. He isn’t asking us to be perfect, He’s asking us to be obedient to His call.

Each of us is still a work in progress, being molded by our Creator into something better. Allow God to use your imperfect self to bring Him glory. Step out in faith, knowing He will see you through. You can do all things in Christ!

“Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus”
Philippians 3:12

We’d love to know… Do you already homeschool? Help motivate other families by sharing previous doubts you may have had about taking on the adventure of homeschooling, and how the Lord helped you overcome for His glory and your family’s benefit!

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