Why is Prayer a Last Resort?

Why_Is_Prayer_Last_ResortThere seems to be a trend amongst parents commenting on our recent blog posts. Prayer is something we all agree needs to happen, but is often not the first thought which comes to mind when a situation arises. Why do we use prayer as a last resort, when we could be accessing the most incredible resource available?

In our home, the Lord has shown us some unique ways in which to incorporate prayer into daily life. Join us as we review how prayer should not be the last thought which crosses our minds, but the first.

I need to be praying for each child individually. I pray for my children; all the time. At times, I will even pray for a specific child. What I don’t normally do is pray for a specific child all day long. The Lord is prompting me to do just that. Become a prayer warrior for each child individually.

I need to be praying for them on a specific day. If I don’t set myself up on a routine, I can forget what I am supposed to be doing and fail to accomplish what the Lord has set before me. I need to pick a day and dedicate that day to each of my children. For example: Trinity is going to be Mondays, Noel will be Tuesdays, and so forth. This way I form a routine and don’t leave things up to my memory or chance. It is scheduled and therefore it will get done.

I need to be praying for specific things. Each of our children have specific needs and
areas the Lord is showing me needs prayer. Through this dedicated prayer time, I need to be lifting these before the Lord. Here are some of the areas of my children’s lives about which the Lord is prompting me to pray:

  • Their walk with Him. (Never assume our children are saved or walking right with God.)
  • Their relationship with me. (That our relationship would stay strong and God-centered.)
  • Their relationship with their siblings. (That they would speak with love and kindness, putting the other person first.)
  • Their current struggles. (That the Lord would give them wisdom to know what to do, patience to help them work through it, and grace to understand we all fall short.)
  • Their maturity. (That Lord would grow them and make them sober-minded.)
  • Their future. (That the Lord would make their paths in life clear. That they would always serve Him and bring Him honor.)
  • Their future spouses. (That the Lord would be working in that other person’s life. Directing them and protecting them.)

I  need to be praying for my marriage. One of the best things we can ever do for our children is have a loving marriage that is Christ centered. Our children will learn more about life, love, and forgiveness from us, than from anywhere else. Praying for my marriage is essential.

I need to be praying for my husband. Praying for my husband is not the same as praying for my marriage. Praying for my marriage is important, but so is specifically praying for my man. He has his own struggles, dreams, and needs. Those too need to be lifted before the Lord.

I need to be praying for my outside ministries. We serve in a lot of different areas. In order to best serve those ministries, it’s extremely important to be in constant communication with God. If I am not in prayer, I risk overburdening myself and disobedience to the Lord. I need to constantly remember that He is the one leading those ministries. I am only there to help, which I cannot do if I am not listening to Him speak.

I need to find creative ways and times to pray. Through the experience of others, the Lord is also showing me creative ways to pray throughout my day. I tend to be very busy, so it helps if I can pray while I attend to the responsibilities He has put before me. Here are some ways that the Lord has opened up some time for prayer.

  • I pray while washing dishes. (Lord clean the heart of —–. Make them pure before you.)
  • I pray when I cook. (Lord feed —–‘s mind and spirit. That they would hunger for you.)
  • I pray when I clean. (Lord remove anything from —-‘s life that doesn’t need to be there. Help them to be organized and have a clean heart.)
  • I pray while I fold laundry. (Socks: Lord keep their feet on your path. Shirt: Lord touch their hearts. Etc…)
See, this could go on forever. There are many ways we can find in which to be creative about our prayer times; we just need to look for the opportunities.

I have begun to notice that as my children grow older and life seems to get more complex, I have a tendency to take on the struggles of life instead of leaving them where they belong; at the feet of Christ. My family belongs to the Lord. When I humble myself and give them over to God, I can have peace knowing that He is in control. Will you join me in spending dedicated time in prayer for our families? Trust me, you won’t regret it.

“The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”
~ Psalm 145:18

Your Turn!: Do you have a tendency to use prayer as a last resort? What helps you remember to use prayer first and not last?

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10 thoughts on “Why is Prayer a Last Resort?

  1. Pingback: Why is Prayer a Last Resort? — A Homeschool Mom | Wanda D. Jefferson

  2. I love the Stormie Omartian “Power of a Praying…” book series and use them in praying for my children (including adult children) and husband. They help keep me organized and suggest things to pray about that would have never come to my mind.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I’ve always hated the phrase, “All we can do now is pray…” because, at least in my opinion, maybe if we had already been praying, we wouldn’t have reached so desperate a point! I can’t imagine getting my day started, or ending it, without speaking to my Father. I pray all throughout the day. I think it’s another misconception that we must be on our knees in a prayer closet for our prayers to be effective. Paul tells us to pray without ceasing, and while I don’t believe he meant that we should spend every waking minute in prayer, I do think that we can pray all day, through our quiet times such as when we do dishes or the laundry, when we’re driving somewhere or even when we’re in the bath or shower. I love my time with God and I know that if I were to thank Him for all that He’s done for me, I wouldn’t have a breath left of my own!

    Thanks for sharing 🙂 !

    Liked by 3 people

  4. That is something I strongly agree. Prayer should be a habit formed daily. A timely reminder on praying for our parent child relationship. I usually pray for wisdom to teach and love them, not our relationship per say. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I am so glad I came across your blog! Transitioning to a stay at home mom and homeschooling mom, I continue to learn what praying without ceasing really looks like. My prayers have become more specific as I commit to sitting at the feet of Jesus. Fervent, written by Priciilla Shirer has also encouraged me with my prayer life as well as The Power of A Praying Wife, by Stormie Omartian.

    I also keep a prayer journal and it helps me to better record answered prayers as well as my spiritual journey.

    This post has been encouraging to my heart, thank you sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

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