Review: Unauthorized by Chara Games

Unauthorized_ReviewWhat better way to learn than through hands-on experiences and games? Whenever possible, we pull out these fantastic learning tools and have fun. This month, we had the privilege of reviewing Unauthorized by Chara Games and we can’t wait to share it with you!

Chara Games firmly believes in creating games which encourage believers in their Christian faith and spread joy to all those who play. They have created such games as Commissioned, 3 Seeds, and Unauthorized. Unauthorized, offered to us for this review, is a strategy game wherein players either help grow the underground church or stamp it out by using influence and deduction.

Unauthorized is a card game packaged in a small, sleek box with a fantastic graphic on the lid. The game includes 12 role-playing cards which include both pastor, police, and neutral roles. Besides the role-playing cards, two decks of experience cards are included for play. The game is played in a series of four rounds, with the overall goal being to have either won over a majority of players to the church or have the underground church stamped out and/or imprisoned by “the state”. Intended for 6-12 players, Unauthorized may be adapted for slightly smaller groups if needed. While the card game did come with instructions, our family found it helpful to watch the video link to better comprehend set-up and play. Once we were established, game play began. Unauthorized_Play

Afternoons in our home are generally reserved for electives and fun family time. This was the perfect opportunity to review Unauthorized and test out our skills at deduction. The six of us camped out and the playing began. One game was agreed upon initially. This would allow us time to learn the game and smooth out any wrinkles. The game took approximately forty-five minutes from start to finish. We were pleased to find we enjoyed the game tremendously. Our first game was immediately followed by a second, per the kids’ request, finishing in about thirty minutes. We cleaned up and went about our evening, only to find the kids asking to play the game several more times later that same night. The game seems to be a hit!

Having kids ranging from ages 10-16, we thought the game would be more easily played by our oldest three children. Perhaps our ten-year-old son might not have the deductive skills needed to fully appreciate this game. However, after a game or two he caught on quickly. Game play itself was quick, easy, and fun. Unauthorized_ExperienceCardsWhile initially the kids were at odds with playing the role of “the state”, they quickly came around and delved into each of their roles. It is fun trying to guess each person’s alliance and convert each role’s loyalty. (I secretly suspect a few of my children attempted to change their own character’s alliance, but you didn’t hear that from me.) The experience cards themselves were wonderful learning tools, allowing us to share real life scenarios where these issues might be valid. Overall, the game was a success. Our family likes the game and we’re learning quite a bit from playing.

Unauthorized is a perfect way to help teach strategy and influence, as well as launch great conversations on church history. We enjoy the game tremendously. Games are lovely learning tools. Unauthorized is going to be another fantastic resource we’ll be pulling out frequently.

If you’d like to learn more about Chara Games or Unauthorized please visit them at their website and on Facebook and Twitter! To read helpful reviews like this one, and gain more insight into what Chara Games has to offer, please visit The Homeschool Review Crew!

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