Going Wild!

Going_WildDo your children love being out-of-doors? Perhaps taking nature walks is a favorite family pastime? If so, I might have just the thing!

Generally speaking, I do not go out of my way to spend time out-of-doors. I don’t care for bugs and my hair hates humidity. However, I do enjoy walking, and what better than a leisurely nature stroll to feed the soul?

Recently I came across a few wonderful resources which are keeping me enthusiastic about spending more time out-of-doors and less time wishing I had better ideas:

Wild Explorers Club  The Wild Explorers Club is a monthly, online membership program designed to ignite a heart for exploration and wonder in our kids. The program is intended for kids ages 6-12, but younger children can participate with the help of their parents. (For more details on the program, click the title link.)

Nature Pal Exchange – You and your family go on a hike at a local nature park, wander through the grass or weeds in your backyard, explore a creek in your area, walk along a local beach, or even take a stroll around your neighborhood. While you’re out on your adventure, keep your eyes peeled for any little nature treasures that pop out at you. Discover the beautiful and often overlooked natural treasures of God’s creation. Going outside with the intent to discover along with curious eyes are the key ingredients to building a great nature collection. After you and your littles have filled your pockets, hands, or bags with these bits from the outdoors take your collection home to study and examine each piece. This is your opportunity to fill your nature journals or even start one! (More details available by clicking the link given.)

Handbook of Nature Study – Each week she posts an Outdoor Hour Challenge for families to complete as they have time. Then she suggests pages to read in the Handbook of Nature Study and then some simple suggestions for you to complete in a few minutes outdoors with your children. All of the previous Outdoor Hour Challenges are listed on the sidebar of the blog. You are welcome to use them in any order that you wish and at a pace you feel comfortable with.

We’re ready and excited to spend more time exploring the great outdoors. Considering we live in the suburbs this is going to be a little more challenging, but I think we’re up to the task. Who knows what incredible things there are to find in our own backyard?

🔔Time to Chime In: How often do you take nature walks in your homeschool routine?

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7 thoughts on “Going Wild!

  1. Lovely article. I hope I find similar sites in India. We love being outdoors as well. I need them for my sanity. My Little one is just two years old, so I am not sure if we would be able to enjoy hiking at the moment. We do love our strolls in the parks and beaches though. Need to keep doing them more frequently now drawing inspiration from these ideas…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Whether it has been purposeless walking the nature trails, visiting nature centers and farms, or bird watching, we have done quite a lot of “school” days outside. I am interested in the suggestions by the handbook Nature Study. We own the book but haven’t done much with it. Would love to see their suggestions.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: The Care and Keeping of Nature Collections | A Homeschool Mom

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