To Show Ourselves Approved

Read with MeBoth in our homeschooling and our daily living, our children have been highly encouraged to study and memorize scripture. It is not enough for them to rely on our knowledge and memory, they need to be reading for themselves.

There are several reason we believe our children should be memorizing scripture. We must study to grow in faith, joy, righteousness, discernment, and wisdom; to have prosperity in our relationships, to defend the gospel, and to have a true knowledge of Christ.

There are several ways that we can help our children to commit scripture to memory:

  • Make sure that you are mentally alert. No fuzzy heads!
  • Start off with just the first phrase and work your way to the end of the verse. No sense in tackling the whole thing in one go; start off easy!
  • Put the verse to music!
  • Use hand motions, if you can.
  • Repeat often! Don’t say the verse a few times and then leave off for the day; give a pop quiz every time you pass each other in the hall or every time you get a drink from the fridge.
  • Make it a game! See who can memorize it first or how long they can keep it committed to memory.
  • Join an Awana group. Our children were a part of this ministry for several years. In one year alone, my oldest daughter memorized 450 verses! She still knows most of them to this day!

No matter how we choose to teach our children Bible memorization, I need to make sure this area of study is not skipped over; the benefits are enormous and unending. We are seeing the advantages of this daily and love to see our children become excited over their achievements.

Is Bible memorization a part of your homeschooling day? What helps your children memorize long passages of scripture?

Let the Fun Begin!

Put Your Heads TogetherToday was the opening meeting for Keepers at Home. It was wild, it was crazy, and it was FUN!!

It is always fun to meet the new girls coming into group and to encourage the girls that are returning. We were having so much fun fellowshipping, it almost made it hard to get to the meeting!The little people

We finally forced the girls to settle down and got busy with devotion. We always start with Bible, it gets the meeting off to the right start and helps set the tone for the remainder of our time. Having Fun

Once we had spent some time reading and praying, we got down to business. We were excited to show all the girls what to expect from the coming months. We encouraged them in their Bible reading and memorization; letting them know that prizes could be earned for their hard work!

Hmmm...We also got the girls started on their “Secret Sisters”! Each of the girls filled out a cute form telling a little bit about themselves. Next week, the girls will each be given someone else’s form and that person will be their secret sister. The girls are encouraged to pray for one another all year long and (if they would like) to bless the other person with small gifts throughout the year. The girls have always enjoyed this part of our year.

We always like to wrap up our time with snack. This being the first meeting, I was obliged to provide… cupcakes for everyone!!Yummy!

This first meeting seemed to go very quickly and with A LOT of energy! These girls sure know how to have fun and to keep us on our toes.

Can’t wait until next time!