A Toast To All the Girls: Homeschooling the Ladies


I think most of us agree, there is a significant difference between bringing up boys and bringing up young ladies. While each child is unique and has their own personality, we firmly believe in raising our children to fulfill the roles the Lord has prepared for them. Through the blessing of homeschooling, we have the unique opportunity to train up our children to fulfill their God-given roles.

“…urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.”
Titus 2:4-5

Let’s Hit the Books

While I gravitate towards purchasing curriculum for all three girls from the same company – I really like the format/layout of the overall learning – I also tend to vary the routine and requirements for each one. One child’s strength is language arts, so more is expected of her in this area and we push her to strengthen her arithmetic skills. Another is the complete opposite. Then there’s our third, who prefers hands-on assistance in all things. I do my best to meet each where they are.

Clean Machines

Cleaning isn’t a job for only our girls, but it is more stressed in their daily routines than in our son’s. Considering our girls need to be trained in the keeping of their homes, we spend a portion of each day focusing on these skills.
Our girls have regular chore rotations each day of the week, so they become accustomed to maintaining household responsibilities on a regular basis.

It’s Your Night!

Again, cooking is not relegated to women alone, but we wish to train our girls in providing tasty meals for their families (should they marry). Thus, we spend a portion of each day in the kitchen. Some days we focus on meals themselves, other times we choose to have fun with desserts and tasty drinks.
On occasion, we also enjoy having the girls take turns being responsible for dinner. They plan, prepare and cook. Then we all enjoy. It can be tons of fun!

The Big Debate

In our home, we have never stressed college or careers, especially not with our girls. Does this mean we are against girls going to college? Not at all. Our focus has always been that our children be open to the leading of the Spirit; that they be faithful in following whichever path He lays before them. If it’s college and a career, so be it. We have just never stressed that college is a must.
That being said… What we have stressed is that, should our daughters be led to attend college and later get married and have families, they need to remember their first calling: to be keepers of their homes. How they choose to do this is between them and their husbands, through the guidance of the Lord, but keepers they are called to be. While they might like working and be good at it, the Lord has called them to a specific role and they should be faithful in fulfilling it.

It Takes All Kinds

As silly as it might seem, some people are under the impression that all women are the same. We all like wearing skirts, heels, makeup, and doing our hair. While a vast majority of us like these things, there are also some who prefer to live in jeans, wear pony tails, and go natural.
You’d think, having three girls come from the same parents, all our girls would be alike. They aren’t. And, that’s okay. Our girls are learning they each have different preferences and are learning to respect this.

Using the ’S’ Word

Here is a tough one! That dirty word most women can’t stand: Submission! Oh, yes.
Our girls are being taught the fine art of submission. They are being taught that submitting to their pop and to their future husbands doesn’t mean they are a doormat or weak (thank you, very much). It takes strength to have faith in another person, trusting they will make the best decisions on your behalf. It takes strength to let someone make decisions for your family; strength to move forward when someone asks it of you. Being submissive isn’t weakness, but a gracious act of love and respect. When we learn to see submission in the proper light, submission is a beautiful thing.

Raising girls is fun. Our home is full of tutus, dress up clothes, odd assortments of hairbows, and a growing number of shoes. With Biblical wisdom, a gentle hand, and the grace of God, we are raising our daughters to submit to the will of God and serve Him in all they do. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

We’d love to know… Do your daughters like pink? Not all girls do!

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Keepers Begins! (2013-2014)

One of the many fun aspects of homeschooling, is the extra curricular activities which we are free to participate in and help with. One of my daughters’ favorites… Keepers of the Home!

Today was the first meeting of the 2013-2014 school year. While most of us are homeschool families, we are blessed with having others join us as well. It looks to be a fun year. We have a whole new crop of girls, with a few who have returned. Who knows where this year will take us. (Well, I have a general idea as I kind of organized it, but the rest is up for grabs.)

Our first meeting was all about getting to know one another and going over the basics with our new families. As always, it was lots of fun!

Keepers #1

Keepers #2 Keepers #3 Keepers #4 Keepers #5 Keepers #6 Keepers #7 Keepers #9

This looks to be an exciting year! I can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to do with these young ladies and through these activities. It will be fantastic, no matter what!

Is your local Keepers group (or Contenders group) starting back up, now that summer is just about over?

A Piece of the Puzzle

Wow! Today was out of this world crazy with Keepers. The meeting itself went pretty well, but somehow things just seemed especially wild.

Piece of the Puzzle #1

Piece of the Puzzle #2

Painting our puzzle pieces.

Piece of the Puzzle #3Piece of the Puzzle #4

Piece of the Puzzle #5

Adding our jump rings.

Piece of the Puzzle #6

The finished piece!

Piece of the Puzzle #7

Piece of the Puzzle #8

Group picture

Piece of the Puzzle #9

The birthday girls of the month.

Piece of the Puzzle #10

Earning prizes for reading our Bibles and memorizing verses.

I had hoped,that by using puzzle pieces as the charms for our necklaces, I would be able to convey a visual image of how we are all part of God’s big picture. We cannot see the finished design, but we are each an important part. Each of us is vital and connected.

This week was a lot of fun. We created these charming, little, keepsake necklaces for each of the girls to remember their time in Keepers.

We also had a time of prayer for one of our families; they are moving this coming week to Texas. It was a blessing getting to spend a few moments encouraging them and wishing them the best.

Whew! After all that excitement, it’s time for some “west and wewaxation”. I’m done in!

Three Ladies and a Little Man

The Little ManImagine my shock, when after having three girls, our fourth turned out to be a boy! I thought it was going to be a girl; I carried the same as all my other pregnancies. Nothing about this pregnancy was any different from the others, but a boy it was.

While, at first, my husband and I were in shock, we came to look forward to the changes a boy would bring. We could minimize on the pink, finally get some ray guns, and both sides of the family were jazzed. (We have the only grandkids on both sides!)

Having a boy proved to be, quite obviously, much more complex than that and, honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing. Having a little man has certainly added to the lives of everyone in the house!

With a mix of little girls and a guy in the house, it makes for an interesting day and lots of life lessons.

Having a boy means that I get a “backstage” look at what makes boys tick. There are some things I never thought to ask or discover until having a boy. My husband and I have had some awesome (and often fun) conversations about why guys do what they do.

Having a little man is also teaching my girls a few things. They are learning to act like ladies and allowing him to be a gentleman. They are learning to let him take initiative and protect them (although at the moment it is more cute than practical).

From his sisters, my baby is learning how to be kind and loving. He is learning how to be gentle, protective, and helpful.

Even now… I can hear my kiddos playing in the front room. He is playing the Jedi, protecting his princesses from certain danger and battling all forms of evil in order to keep them safe. My girls are glowing with pride for their guy and he is bashfully smiling at the attention.

No… Life just wouldn’t be the same without him.

Keepers Christmas Party

Keepers finished out 2012 with a fun Christmas party. We had an abundance of sugar, some creative crafts to make, and gifts all around.

Ornament Prep

Our craft tables, set up and ready to go.

Oh, Christmas Tree

This is one of the finished Christmas ornaments. I think they turned out cute!

Story Time

All the little girls ready for story time.

Left or Right?

The girls played the Right Christmas story game with ornaments! They had a great deal of fun!

Christmas Girls

My little girls having a great afternoon; this is why I do what I do.

Frosty Christmas

This centerpiece was too cute to resist. We let the little girls take them home.

Good Food

What’s a good party without good eats? We had sugar, sugar, and, let’s see… sugar!

Friends Abound

Some of the girlies having a blast; the mommies had fun too!

Who Me?

In all, I think we had 35 girls in attendance. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed the true meaning of Christmas… Jesus’ birthday!

Way too Good!

I am not sure who made this delicious cookies, but they were wonderful!

I hope all the girls had a wonderful time at the Christmas party. We started out with a Christmas story about Baby Jesus, created a fun ornament, played the Right Christmas game, ate lots of fun treats, and ended with gifts from everyone’s secret sisters.

It was a blessing being able to spend time with those young ladies and to enjoy this season with them. I pray that each of them are blessed this Christmas.

Now, mommy is off to her own homeschool mommy Christmas party. ‘Night everyone!

A Hair Raising Experience

We had our second meeting of Keepers at Home today and what fun it was! This week, the girls were learning about personal hygiene and how to take care of themselves; both physically and spiritually!

Our main activity for the day was experimenting with fun new hairstyles. The girls had a great time and we all learned a little something new!

Our Lesson

Our Patch

Bible Time

Allow Me


Great Job

Hair Train

July, August, & September Birthday Girls

Snack Time

Today was a huge day for us! We grew from a little under 30 girls to over 40! Oh, my! We all had a wonderful time. I pray that the Lord would continue to bless these young ladies and work in their lives.

If your daughters happened to be interested in some new, clever ways to do hair, you might want to take a look at this neat book by American Girl. You will find a vast collection of styling tips and tricks.

Does your daughter have a particular way that she likes her hair styled? Do you?

Let the Fun Begin!

Put Your Heads TogetherToday was the opening meeting for Keepers at Home. It was wild, it was crazy, and it was FUN!!

It is always fun to meet the new girls coming into group and to encourage the girls that are returning. We were having so much fun fellowshipping, it almost made it hard to get to the meeting!The little people

We finally forced the girls to settle down and got busy with devotion. We always start with Bible, it gets the meeting off to the right start and helps set the tone for the remainder of our time. Having Fun

Once we had spent some time reading and praying, we got down to business. We were excited to show all the girls what to expect from the coming months. We encouraged them in their Bible reading and memorization; letting them know that prizes could be earned for their hard work!

Hmmm...We also got the girls started on their “Secret Sisters”! Each of the girls filled out a cute form telling a little bit about themselves. Next week, the girls will each be given someone else’s form and that person will be their secret sister. The girls are encouraged to pray for one another all year long and (if they would like) to bless the other person with small gifts throughout the year. The girls have always enjoyed this part of our year.

We always like to wrap up our time with snack. This being the first meeting, I was obliged to provide… cupcakes for everyone!!Yummy!

This first meeting seemed to go very quickly and with A LOT of energy! These girls sure know how to have fun and to keep us on our toes.

Can’t wait until next time!