Let’s Hear It For the Boys: Homeschooling the Fellas


After having three girls, finding out we were having a boy came as quite a shock to the system. My boy is a completely different creature from his sisters. And, that is how it should be!

I think most of us agree, there is a significant difference between bringing up boys and bringing up young ladies. While each child is unique and has their own personality, we firmly believe in raising our children to fulfill the roles the Lord has prepared for them. Through the blessing of homeschooling, we have the unique opportunity to train up our children to fulfill their God-given roles.

“Likewise urge the young men to be sensible;” – Titus 2:6

Let’s Hit the Books

All four of our children are homeschooled, but helping my son with his studies is significantly different from helping my girls. Boys, in general, require a bit more activity. My son is frequently known to take learning breaks to simply run around. He is also fond of staring out windows, allowing his mind to wander towards more adventurous endeavors. My son does best when I work with him on a one-one-one bases; walking him through his lessons and urging him to keep up the good work. We’ve also learned to keep lessons as short as possible, and as hands-on as possible.

Do Boys Clean?

Not only can boys clean, but they should! As Christians, we believe in gender roles; however, there is nothing which states a man cannot be clean and organized. After all, God is a God of order, is He not?
As a member of the family, our son helps out with chores and household responsibilities. Being the youngest, his helping might seem small at the moment, but he is learning to be faithful in the little until his contribution may increase. He takes out trash, cleans his room, helps out around the house, and helps Pop with the yard work (when he can).
Incidentally, it’s interesting to note, my son is one of the cleanest people in our home. I’m not sure why boys are typically portrayed as being continually dirty and having messy rooms because this little man is not!

 A Man in the Kitchen! 

Again, we would generally expect working in the kitchen to be more closely associated with women, considering we’re the homemakers and the men are generally out working all day. However, some men really enjoy working in the kitchen and are equally good at it! Besides, it never hurts to add another skill to the tool belt; you never know when it’s going to come in handy.
Our son is not only welcome to work in the kitchen, but encouraged to participate. He is learning to use tools, cook meals, and prepare food for others. He loves it and takes pride in what he makes.

The Art of Being a Gentleman

Let’s be clear here! Allowing a man to be a gentleman does not mean women are weak or unable to do things for themselves. On the contrary, allowing a man to be a gentleman speaks of his gentleness and the lady’s graciousness.
Part of our son’s training is in learning how to be a gentleman. He is encouraged to open doors for us girls, and carry items when able. He is being trained to be honorable, chivalrous, and courteous.

 Who’s the Boss? 

One of the most important things I’ve learned, being the mama of a little man, is to understand that is just what he is… a little man! Most men prefer not to take instruction from women. They prefer to be the leaders; forging their own paths and striking out on their own.
Training my son is a fine balance. I am learning to guide him in his decisions and not push him in the direction I think he needs to go. I am also learning to be gracious in my instruction, not demanding. I am also learning to simply leave the bulk of my son’s training to my husband, who understands him better and gives him firmer guidelines.
My son, on the other hand, is learning to accept my instruction graciously and obey even when his father is not present. He is learning to be respectful when wisdom is imparted. He is also learning what it means to be a true leader, one who guides based on Biblical wisdom and Godly instruction. Raising children is not an easy job.

Bringing Home the Bacon

Can women work? Sure! However, by God’s design, it is a man’s job to provide for his family. Whether he be self-employed, works at home, or drives into an office, our men are responsible for taking care of their family financially.
Part of our son’s discipleship is in helping him understand his God given role as provider. He is being encouraged to find his strengths, discover ways to put those strengths to good use, and provide for those under his care. He is learning to be productive, helpful, and take pride in taking care of his family.

Raising boys is definitely a riot. But, amidst all the chaos and torn jeans, is a world of fun and adventure. With Biblical wisdom, a strong hand, and the grace of God, we are raising our son to be a man after His own heart. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

We’d love to hear from you… Share with us your son’s funniest antics!

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The Squire & The Scroll

The Squire & The ScrollBeing the OCD maniac I am (I did mention I was OCD, right?), I couldn’t very well purchase a lovely book (The Princess & The Kiss) for my girls and not get something for my guy, now could I?

Thankfully, Warner Press knew there were ladies like me in the world. Ladies who wished to help their sons overcome temptation and live righteously. So, with us in mind, they gladly published The Squire & The Scroll

In The Squire & The Scroll a young squire must overcome obstacles and enticement in order to seek out a stolen treasure belonging to his kingdom. He does so by using a scroll given to him by his parents, which guides him on his journey.

Little man really likes reading this story and hearing about the evil creature who stole the treasured item. He also likes the important role the scroll plays in defeating the enemy.

Mommy likes this story because it encourages my guy to be faithful to a commitment and to not waver in his decisions. It teaches wisdom, prudence, and humility.

Like The Princess & The KissThe Squire & The Scroll has a Life Lessons Booklet to help our son gain a better grasp of the underlying themes in the book. While our son is a bit young to work through it at this point, I have his tucked away with additional homeschooling materials we have yet to crack open.

There is a pretty neat certificate once the Life Lessons have been completed. At one time there was a watch to commemorate the lessons learned. (I am currently having a hard time finding the watch, it seems they are no longer making them?)

I would be interested to know if any of your children have finished the Life Lessons. Did they enjoy the lessons? Were they of benefit?

Three Ladies and a Little Man

The Little ManImagine my shock, when after having three girls, our fourth turned out to be a boy! I thought it was going to be a girl; I carried the same as all my other pregnancies. Nothing about this pregnancy was any different from the others, but a boy it was.

While, at first, my husband and I were in shock, we came to look forward to the changes a boy would bring. We could minimize on the pink, finally get some ray guns, and both sides of the family were jazzed. (We have the only grandkids on both sides!)

Having a boy proved to be, quite obviously, much more complex than that and, honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing. Having a little man has certainly added to the lives of everyone in the house!

With a mix of little girls and a guy in the house, it makes for an interesting day and lots of life lessons.

Having a boy means that I get a “backstage” look at what makes boys tick. There are some things I never thought to ask or discover until having a boy. My husband and I have had some awesome (and often fun) conversations about why guys do what they do.

Having a little man is also teaching my girls a few things. They are learning to act like ladies and allowing him to be a gentleman. They are learning to let him take initiative and protect them (although at the moment it is more cute than practical).

From his sisters, my baby is learning how to be kind and loving. He is learning how to be gentle, protective, and helpful.

Even now… I can hear my kiddos playing in the front room. He is playing the Jedi, protecting his princesses from certain danger and battling all forms of evil in order to keep them safe. My girls are glowing with pride for their guy and he is bashfully smiling at the attention.

No… Life just wouldn’t be the same without him.