iPhone Only Photography

“The best camera in the world is the one that’s always in your pocket.”

                                     – David Molnar

Book-Review_logoBetween having an incredibly good-looking husband, four adorable kids, being involved in way too many activities, and blogging, it’s safe to say I take a lot of pictures! I average about five hundred pictures per week, depending on the events we’ve got planned. If I can find a faster, easier way to not only take those pictures, but also clean them up for personal use, I want to know about it.

It seems I’m not the only person looking to streamline their photography. A few months back, a friend sent over a post heralding an upcoming book by David Molnar. What struck me right off was Mr. Molnar’s advice, “The best camera in the world is the one that’s always in your pocket.” Most photographers want to sell you on their favorite camera, which can be discouraging if you cannot afford to run out and buy the latest Canon or Nikon. Mr. Molnar encourages us to forget the fancy stuff and use what you have right at your fingertips… your iPhone! iPhone Only

To be honest, I hadn’t been too impressed with the standard Camera app which came with my iPod Touch (same apps apply as those on the iPhone). It didn’t capture images with the same clarity as my Canon PowerShot and I quickly gave up the notion of being able to use it. Intrigued by the notion of being able to dwindle down the amount of stuff currently congregating in my purse, I immediately signed up for the free intro to Mr. Molnar’s book, anxious to see what I was missing.

Oh, my! All I can say, is that I wish this book came with my iPod from the get-go. In fact, if you love photography as much as I do or at least use it as much as I do, immediately stop reading this post and head over to his website. HERE you can purchase the full e-book and get started on your iPhone photographic journey right away.

iPhone Only Photography is so simple even a child could read it; so engaging every iPhone holder will want to read it. This book will make you want to dig out your iPhone and play. Mr. Molnar gives us eight chapters full of tips, hints, and advice on how to take pictures like a pro and edit them to achieve maximum affect. Each chapter leaves us with a challenge, a helpful recap, and further inspiration taken from other iPhone photographers.

iPhone Only Shrimp

Personally, I can already see a marked difference in the pictures I am taking and using. Through reading iPhone Only Photography I have learned so much, making my job as a memory keeper and a blogger all the more fun.

Don’t take my word for it! Type in the hashtag #iPhoneOnlyPhoto while using the Instagram app and see what the buzz is all about! If you haven’t downloaded iPhone Only yet, what are you waiting for? This is one book you won’t want to go without.

Time to Chime In: Name one challenge you’ve come across when trying to shoot memorable pictures.

Point and Click

“Just hold still. This will only take a moment!” “Mom!! This is the fourth picture you’ve taken in the last two minutes! Hurry up!” … Yeah; I’m that mom.

I have over 10,000 pictures on my computer and those are just the saved ones; we aren’t counting the thousands tossed because they didn’t make the cut. I should probably mention that these have only been taken in the last few years; shouldn’t I? This isn’t a lifetime collection; just pics of my kids. Pictures are the perfect way to catalog our learning and capture those special moments I want to always remember.

You see, my husband and I really like photography. My man is more of a pro than I. He owns a fancy-shmansy Canon with several awesome lenses and filters. He knows how to manipulate the images, too. I, on the other hand, enjoy photography, but haven’t been as diligent to learn the finer points of the craft.

Point and Click #1

A quick shot taken with my iPod camera, with a filter added.

Oh, I carry a camera; always have. I had a decent Canon G5 that was tucked into my bag for a while. After a bit, lugging around a hefty piece of equipment along with four kids became a chore. I upgraded to a smaller Canon Powershot, which did alright for day-to-day stuff, but it had a lot of limitations.

When taking pics on an actual camera, it becomes quite a chore to upload them to your computer before altering them, only to transfer them onto your device of choice, before finally uploading them onto Instagram or any other social media site. (While this might not be a concern for many, when you run a business, these little tasks can become monumental.)

This Christmas, my husband surprised me with a new iPod Touch which came with a pretty incredible camera. This was the perfect opportunity for me to finally crack down and learn how to master the art of photography. But where to begin?

I did a little research and found a few apps which seemed to fit the bill. I promptly downloaded a few, but failed to actually use them. Then… a friend from church suggested David Molnar’s new book, iPhone Only Photography.

For anyone who’s interested in learning how to take incredible pictures using their iPhones or iPod’s, or just a newbie to photography period, this book is just what you need. Mr. Molnar’s step-by-step guide to using your device, is simple and straightforward. With clearcut instructions, visual aids, tips, and helps; this just might be the only guide you need to mastering your Apple camera.

Point and Click #2

Another quickie shot, taken for Instagram.

I’m also enjoying Mr. Molnar’s “How Tues-days” as well. Each Tuesday, he offers helpful tips and hints on how to take a better picture. He will also direct you to particular apps which he finds of benefit.

For a limited time, his e-book is currently free! (You can’t get a better deal than that!) I highly recommend downloading it asap; there is a wealth of information to be gained. A personal bonus… He’s a Christian! I really like it when I can support fellow believers.

While my husband much prefers to use his awesome Canon with telephoto lens, the device in my back pocket fits the bill for me; it’s mobile, it’s fast, and it’s convenient. Perhaps one day, I’ll find the time to steal his baby and figure out the mass controls on that thing. For now… I’ll stick with this and David Molnar’s book.

Chime in! What is your camera of choice and how often do you find yourself pulling it out?