My Favorite Seasonal Book!

Holiday Blog HopGenerally speaking, I don’t have a favorite anything. There is no one food, book, movie, place, or thing which I highly esteem. When it comes to Christmas time, I’m afraid this is also true. There are just too many good things about this season, I can’t be limited in picking only one!

This year, however, I have noticed my children are favoring one Christmas story in particular. The Christmas Story: A Play Felt Story has been capturing their attention all week. I think they enjoy being able to not only read the story, but actively participate in the telling. With each turn of the page, there are new characters to add and more things to do.

The Christmas Story

Just the other day, they read through the book four times! My son wanted to read through it ‘normal’ and then ‘fun’. ‘Fun’ meaning with silly voices and singing (read operatic howling) for the angels. He was laughing so hard, I didn’t think he’d be able to continue reading.

While I am sure there are a great many incredible Christmas stories out there, this one has proven to be the most entertaining and enjoyable for our children. It will be around for years to come.

Looking for more great Christmas reads? Hop on over to some of these other lovely blogger’s and see which books they recommend.

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