What YOUR Bible Lessons Might Be Missing!

bible_missingThey were sitting at the table, just as I asked. Our Bibles were open to the passage of the day. But, if you looked closely, you could tell something was a little off. The morning had been a rough start and hearts were hurt. We were making an attempt to put things to rights, but I could tell my children weren’t ready to receive. Then, the Lord spoke to my heart and showed me what our Bible lessons were missing…

Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!

~ Psalm 95:6

Worship is the expression of reverence and adoration of God; an act (rite) that makes up the formal expression of respect. One act of worship is the lifting of voices before the Lord in song.

While we had been in the habit of going before the Lord each morning in prayer and reading through our daily passage, it occurred to me we weren’t always reading with a heart of worship, but reading out of habit. At times, reading quickly because we were running late. On hard days, reading even though the kids weren’t really receiving or ready to hear from the Lord at all.

The Lord reminded me of how often worshipping in song was a comfort to my own soul, softening my heart and opening my ears to hear His Word. If worshipping in song was a blessing to me, why wouldn’t my children also be blessed in this practice. It was time to make a change!

Now, worship is a daily part of our Bible lessons. At times we play our own instruments and sing songs commonly heard at church. Other days we listen to hymns on my device. When I’m feeling adventurous, we launch Pandora and see what the Lord blesses us with. No two days are the same; each day is a new blessing.

Through the addition of worship in song to our routine my children’s hearts more readily turn toward the Lord. The Lord uses this time to fill our home with peace, quiet, and rest. Our struggles seem less important and we are readied for hearing from the Word. Our Bible time has been magnified a hundred fold.

Isn’t it amazing how after many years of homeschooling you can still learn something new; the Lord shares new wisdom we had yet to receive? After ten years of homeschooling, it finally came to my attention that what our Bible time was missing was worship! Lifting our voices before the Lord, opening our hearts to receive from His Spirit and allowing the burdens of the morning to wash away.

Even in our homeschooling – especially in our homeschooling – may we constantly kneel before the Lord our God and worship.

🔔Time to Chime In: Does worship play a part in your homeschool day?

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Davidic Worship

“Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.”
~Psalm 150:4

I remember several years ago, we were enjoying a Hanukkah celebration with our homeschool group. There were stories, crafts, singing and dancing. In all my years attending a church function, this is the only time I can remember having been encouraged to dance while singing praises. I wonder why?

Davidic worship is beautiful, filled with meaning and praise. Instruments, body movements, singing, clapping, and the lifting of hands are involved. It focuses on the Lord’s presence in the midst of His people.

Music Notes

Not being Hebrew or a member of a Messianic congregation, we often miss out on these lovely acts of worship. The meanings of each dance are lost, most completely unknown to us at all. (Well, perhaps not all aspects of Davidic worship are forgotten. We do use our hands, our voices, instruments, and “Amens” while singing.)

As this time of year draws near, I am once again reminded of all we learned during that Hanukkah celebration and the joy that came with our time of worship. Perhaps one aspect of our homeschooling year, next time around, ought to revolve around Jewish celebrations. This would help us learn not only more history, but also faith and thanksgiving.

Have you ever experienced Davidic worship?