Our Field Trip Survival Guide


Who doesn’t like a good field trip? There’s nothing quite like fresh air, a change of scenery,  and a little exercise to rejuvenate your learning routine. While field trips can be a lot of fun, they will quickly turn into a frustrating mess when not planned properly. Join us as we share tips on how to make the most of any field trip and explore ideas for a smoother day.

When it comes to field trips, the last thing to pop into our minds is research. Usually, we just pick a day to get out of the house, pick a location to spend the day, hop in our cars, and take off! What usually results is a busy rush to get out the door, cranky kids wondering when we will arrive, and an overly full afternoon rushing around the exhibits, trying to get the most out of the trip before heading back home again.

What if we could make the day more simple? Wouldn’t the trip be much more enjoyable if we had a plan of attack and were better prepared? I think so! After planning field trips, both for myself and for larger groups, there are a few tips we’ve learned along the way.

While the bulk of our field trips revolve around some aspect of my children’s education, all excursions would be rather pointless if we left out one essential element… fun! This is time with our children, family, and/or friends. A day is not successful because we hit every point on the map and fulfilled our goals in the time estimated. We are successful when we have enjoyed our children’s presence and, hopefully, learned a little something along the way.

Go out and explore! Have a lot of fun and enjoy your children while they are young. It won’t last forever.

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.”
~ Job 12:7-10

📢 Chime In!: How much planning goes into your field trips?

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2 thoughts on “Our Field Trip Survival Guide

  1. We love, love, love field trips..It was one of our big reasons to choose homeschooling. We always loved adventuring, and when my oldest started public school all that came to a stop. It really was just one of the many reasons why homeschooling rocks lol

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  2. We’re pretty relaxed about field trips. I work them into our schedule. Mostly we take advantage of “homeschool days” at area museums and educational institutions. There are a few homeschooling parents in my area that are wonderful about organizing large group events that we’ve taken part in. All I have to do is RSVP, pay, and get us out the door on time. One of my friends keeps her eye out for things both of our kids like and we’ve done a lot together. I’ll admit to being cranky about getting somewhere on time. Buy after that, we relax and enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

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